Monday, November 30, 2009

Just 5 Minutes

This is a 5 minute presentation that clearly demonstrates the dilema of the current immigration problem. I urge you to take JUST 5 MINUTES to watch, and then if you still don't understand the destructive nature of U. S. Government Immigration Policy and get involved in correcting this massive miscarriage of Federal power, then God help your children and grand children because they will loose the legacy of American Freedoms that could have been passed to them by our generation.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As I pen this post, I am wondering if there is any limit to the stupidity of the established elite in Washington, D. C.? 
For many years now we have been attempting to deal with Islamic aggressors who have been attacking our facilities at home and abroad.  Whatever their grievance is seems to have become manifest with the take over of our U. S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran in 1979, and has not ceased since that time.  I could, but won't, recreate a long list of attacks that are all aimed directly at the heart and soul of America, American, and the American way of life, which to this point, has been liberties and freedoms known nowhere else in the world.
The way that we have chosen to deal with those who were caught and blamed for the aforementioned attacks has alternated between treating them as combatants on the one hand because they have chosen to "declare" war... not us, or as criminals who have acted against the established laws of our country, which then causes us, according to our U. S. Constitution, to be required to extend to them the same rights as "citizens" of the United States.  In the case of the latter, they have the full power of the court system at their disposal, including their right to be represented by counsel for which we may be required to pay.  This is an absurd position regardless of any context. 
It is very clear to me, and many other Americans, that these operatives are terrorists by their own admission and their goal is to destroy not only our government, but all of our other freedoms under our constitution, including that of religion.
Now we have the "liberal elite", who happen to be in power in Washington, D. C. at the moment, calling for the the admitted mastermind of the attacks of 9/11 to be tried in New York City, in a Federal court.  Why?  That is the simple question that screams for an answer!  Why?
Why give the terrorists the same standing as a U. S. Citizen in a Federal Court?
Why give the terrorists the full power of the mostly misguided American media?
Why give the Citizens of New York City and New York State the bill for the cost of security for such a trial?
Why give the terrorists a much needed forum in which to declare their disdain for our culture?
Why create a litteral propaganda juggernaut that the terrorists can use to further forment hate and discontent among their legions?
Why set up a mechanism  with which the terrorists can enhance their recruitment of other Jihidists?
A long list of "why's" could be called for here... but ultimately there is only one question in my mind...
Why give the terrorists anything other than about 5 minutes to spew their hatred just prior to tightening a noose around their neck and hanging them?
In my opinion, a trial of these terrorists should be a Military Tribunal and shouldn't last more than a day at the most with hanging to commence within 48 hours or sooner if the gallows can be built before that time.  They have already admitted guilt in most cases, and if not explicitly, then by their knowledge of the events of 9/11.  That is enough! These operatives are "soldiers" in a jihad that has been declared and is currently being carried out around the world against anyone who does not subscribe to their beliefs.
If we continue to allow our elected and appointed officials to attempt to deal with these terrorists as part of a civilized society, then we will loose this war eventually, because the terrorists have no such respect for civility.  By the actions that they take on a regular basis, IE; bombings, etc, they demonstrate that they care not about any "convention of war".. such as the Geneva Convention.  Their targets are innocent civilians enmasse as a means of creating an atmosphere that will stifle the economies of the countries that they target.  They don't care if there are women, children and other innocent non-combatants whose lives are destroyed... they only want to acheive one thing and that is total Islamic dominence of the world.  We should be reading their "play book".  Why tie one hand behind our backs in the name of civility and eventually loose the war?  The only way to win is to seek them out, no matter where they are, and totally destroy them, not capture and try them.
Consider this an appeal to every right thinking American, and I don't mean "right" in the sense of the far political right.  I am referring to just common ordinary everyday thought.  It is called common sense.  Then apply a little extrapilation to see where that will take us.  We must fight back and we must do so now.
There are two enemies of our attempts to save our way of life... One is the terrorists themselves and you already know what I think should be done with them.  The second enemy of our success in saving the American way of life is the misinformed, misguided elite establishment in Washington D. C. who are, through their distorted vision of this time in the history of the world, allowing the enemies of freedom everywhere to gradually win their battles by intimidation tactics.  Simply put the terrorists are attempting to "bully" their way to their goals and our stupid officials in Washington D. C., no matter their political allegiance, are helping them.   Therefore, part of the solution to the world's terrorism problem is to "change" the thinking of the officials who are making these insane decisions.  It must be done quickly before they are allowed to implement their intentions.  I suggest that can be accomplished peacefully through a very strong POPULAR UPRISING of the electorate in America.
America is the last bastion of hope for freedom  and we are currently loosing the battle. Join with me to encourage your neighbors and friends to engage the idiots in Washington DC and make known our demand for a change in the "rules of engagement" in this war to destroy us.