Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama's "Guarantees"

A few hours ago I happened to catch a short "blurb" on Fox News Channel where the run up to the story showed a portion of an Obama interview with one of the many "left wing" hacks that produce "Obama News" for their audience.  I am not sure if it was Matt Lauer or Bill Moyer, but that doesn't matter.  They are both left wing nuts anyway.
The focus of the FNC report was Obama's answer to some softball question about what would happen if the Senate didn't pass the massive health care bill that is currently being debated there.  What struck me about Obama's answer was not the answer itself, but his emphatic, theatrical delivery of the answer.  To paraphrase, he said, "I can GUARANTEE the American People that if this bill does not pass the cost of their health care will go up, they will be dropped from their employers plans, and insurance premiums will be so high that no one can afford to pay for insurance".  With the booming voice and demeanor that was, and still is, present during his many campaign oratories, Obama made crystal clear his "GUARANTEE".
Does anyone remember Obama's "guarantee" of transparency in government?   Does anyone remember Obama's "guarantee" of "cleaning up" Washington, D. C.?   No more lobbyists.  No more "politics as usual" for his administration.  No sir!  Not in his Presidency.  His administration would "open to the American People" and "clean".
Did he back up those GUARANTEES?  I think the answer to that question is as clear by now as it ever will be.  He never intended to keep those promises.  He's nothing more than a "political hack" for the left wing extremists who have taken over the Democrat Party.  A "mouth" that spews the rhetoric.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I think it would be safe to say that this man is a very convincing BALD FACED LIAR!
With the super majority that now exists in the House and Senate, there is little hope that anyone or anything can stand in the way of these outrageous spending bills, the Cap and Trade Bill, global warming "giveaways" to third world countries, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and God only knows what else they will foist upon the backs of working Americans.  Now with the Fed printing money so fast that they are burning up the printing presses, Americans will loose buying power at an unprecidented rate when the "chickens come home to roost".  More dollars for less product.  That's what inflation does.
Do  you think another three years of this kind of reckless fiscal behavior will be sustainable?  I don't. And if you agree, then I suggest that you make a decision right now, that you and your family will have to make sacrifices you never dreamed of when it comes to pass and prepare your children and grand children for their loss of liberty and freedom.
Alternatively, you can make another decision.  Make whatever sacrifice you have to in order to help stop the Obama Express.  I urge you to visit this link and watch a brief video.  If this video doesn't inspire you to action, then nothing will.  It is time to get involved.  Help save America!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Another Hypocrite Identified!

Okay.... Let me see if I have this right. 
The leftist crowd has been pushing a radical environmental agenda for years under the widely touted assumption that all the ills that we might be suffering from time to time, whether its tied to "global warming" or "global cooling", are caused by the industriousness of human beings.  That is to say, in a little different way, that we humans, as an element of the earths population, are destroying our planet in our attempts to improve and advance civilization. 
In a concerted effort that has spanned over 4 decades, these self-righteous, ideological nutcases have been attempting to prove their "theory" by trotting out the opinions of so called "environmental scientists" (only the one's whose opinions support their theory) in a overt and blatant attempt to brainwash as many of our children and young adults in government run schools and left leaning universities as they possibly can.  They have been very successful in cramming their "one sided views" into the minds of the masses who were simply taking them at face value without question.  Of course they must be right, many thought, because they have the "scientific data" to prove their point.
Now we have a new development coming to light that raises questions as to their motives and veracity.  Emails from inside the small cluster of "scientists" (please note that I am using that term loosely) who have been at the epicenter of these "global warming theories" that have been made the basis for a massive piece of legislation in the United States (Cap and Tax) and other worldwide environmental initiatives, are being made public (leaked is the leftist terminology).  These emails show that there has, at the very least been an inside effort to "hide" certain data that would be harmful to the environmentalist nutcase' agenda, and beyond that, to poison the well of data that would debunk their theory. 
One would think that most "right thinking people", and by that I mean those who employ logic and common sense, will gladly welcome this new information that has come to light on the eve of a great push for legislation that will, by all accounts, literally put the brakes on the American economic engine, as it could lead to a more sensible non-emergency approach to curbing whatever polluting indulgences our industry might have been guilty of since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.  And I believe that most "right thinking people" will react just that way.  But not the leftist nutcase ideologues.
No... The leftist nutcase ideologues are having a much different reaction to this "leaked" information and the damage that it will undoubtedly cause to their push for more government control of every aspect of American Freedoms.  Their reaction is currently being "showcased" by one nutcase U. S. Senator Barbara Boxer of California as she calls for an "investigation" into the "criminal acts" of the "leakers".   Doesn't that seem to be a strange position for a U. S. Senator who is sworn to "uphold and defend the constitution" of the United States? 
In the context of our political history over the last 40 or so years, Boxer's leftist outcry seems to me to be a little hypocritical.  Perhaps we should think back a few years to a time when Barbara Boxer was likely a very young, still wet behind the ears, leftist nutcase in training in the mid 1970's when the Democrats (whose party was in the process of being hijacked by the left wing nutcases of the day) were ever so gleeful that President Richard Nixon was in the thick of an illegal cover up of the break in of the Democrat Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.  Wasn't that scandalous event perpetuated by "leaked" information by an informant who was only identified as "Deep Throat"?
If anything, Ms. Boxer should be nominated as an all time champion "political gymnast" for this demonstration of back flipping ability.  Otherwise, she and others like her should be awarded their rightful place in American Political History as the back stabbing, power grubbing, special interest hypocrites that they are.
Yes... I think I have it right...