Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Movement Worth Joining

The time has finally come. A time when it appears that the established governing authority must be "retrained". Will you be a part of the "movement" or will you remain in the "silent majority" and allow our country to wilt and die this self inflicted death?

As we move near to the election in November of 2008, there are many whose "idealistic ferver" has blinded their common sense. A confluence of events and circumstances have created a fertile field of discontents who are willing to accept ANY "change" in the hope that the change will be something positive for them. Such has been the case in a number of "overwhelmed" nations in the past, like the German Nation of the 1920's and 30's, post WW I. And there are others. The theme is "change", and, even though the promises are empty, the desperate are willing to accept anything other than what they are currently saddled with.

Unfortunately, too many of the desperate are looking for a "gift", or an "easy" way out of the circumstance that all too often is the result of an overburdened bureaucracy that has come to be more intent on serving itself, than the people to which it is obligated.

There is no "easy way out". It is time that those who have some semblence of common sense left to take control of the run away madness that is the Federal Government. It won't be easy, but it must be done and the only way to effect "good" change is to demand "good" change from those who cast the votes in our "Representative Republic".

This message of change is the right one. Not the empty rhetoric that we are hearing from the candidates who seek the highest offices in our Nation.

This is a movement worth joining. But we must begin now. If we wait until the situation is completely hopeless, then drastic measures will be necessary, as the speaker says, just like in the first American Revelution. Let's not allow our country to degenerate to that level. We can take back our government, no matter who the President is, if we will assume control of our elected representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States. Follow the advice of the Speaker in the video behind the link here. Call the number. Demand "good change".

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