Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Birth of a New Verb

By Bill Reid

This is a fast changing world. The younger generation doesn’t even speak the same language as their predecessors because of the influence of an exploding social media.

I believe that when the political history of the current period is analyzed in retrospect and written based on the results and outcomes of the policies of current day politicians, there will be a new method of referencing the collective opinion of those who understand or bother to study some of the dubious political characters of our time. I believe there will be the birth of new verbs that sum up that understanding. In fact, there are already some of these in existence today. For example, the creation of the internet search engine Google. As Google grew into the dominant giant that it is today a new verb was born. It is not uncommon to hear just about anyone say, “Google it”, as they refer to some bit of information that might reside on the Internet. A new verb was born. The same could be said of the treatment of Judge Robert Bork during a Senate Judicial Committee confirmation hearing. After a lengthy hearing that was fraught with unbridled character assassination of Judge Bork by those on the left who disagreed with his judicial philosophy, Judge Bork withdrew his nomination for U. S. Supreme Court Justice, and soon it became popular in political circles to refer to similar attacks on one’s character as being “Borked”.

Today I believe that we are living through an economic period in our history that, while not entirely created by the current President, is certainly being exasperated by his ineptitude, ignorance, stupidity, or radical ideological beliefs. We currently have a President who, by almost any thoughtful account, is totally unqualified for the post to which he, with a tremendous amount of help from his handlers, managed to get elected. He was, and in many ways still is, a political novice, having served in the Illinois State Senate for a few years, then getting elected to the U. S. Senate almost by default before being selected by his political party to run for the Presidency. I don’t know for sure who to blame for the election debacle that put him in office, maybe the left leaning media, maybe an ill informed and ignorant electorate, but just as likely, a corruption of the voting processes by powerful special interests. None the less, we have him as President for the time being, hopefully just for the remainder of one term, and we have to live with the naivetĂ© that permeates the thinking of both the President and those with whom he surrounds himself. There are many others who are complicit in determining the ill advised policies that are being forced upon the American People right now, such as the environmental movement, big labor unions, and many in academia who continue to push failed divisive ideological theories. As best I can determine there is a small but vocal minority of radicals who continue to believe and spread the lies that are constantly being dumped on an economically overwhelmed American Public that has little time to do anything other than try to find a way to survive their current circumstances. Those who produce are busy at work trying to produce their way out of their current miseries, and those who are takers are doing what they do best, taking from the public dole and repeating the lies that have been hammered into them over years of welfare assistance.

This is not to suggest that the President, who may be one of the most unqualified ever elected to the office of President of the United States, does not have qualities and skills that have served him well. He does. In my opinion, his most powerful skill is his ability to present material that is read from a teleprompter with a certain quality of voice and sound of authority that leads those with undecerrning minds to accept whatever he is presenting as fact, and believe every word of it. We now know, however, that there are many of his speeches on record, going back through his career as a public figure, where the positions he espoused, and the promises he made, were nothing more than “hot air” coming out of his mouth. He has proven, since his election, that there really was little that he said in order to get elected, that he has actually followed through with as the office holder who has the power to put those policies into effect. There is scarcely a statement that he has made over his time as President that one can dissect without finding at least some “untruth” or sleight of wording.

I believe that in the not too distant future, verbalization used in descriptions of those who wield the power to “pull the wool over the people’s eyes”, or to otherwise “obfuscate” the real meaning of their statements, will contain some form of the President’s name. For example, if there happens to be someone out there with great oratory skills that has a tendency to stretch, twist, or just outright mangle the truth, that person might be referred to as an “Obamanator”. Another example could be the dissection of a statement that could have more than one meaning as “Obamanese”. An analysis of a speech might lead to it being referred to as an “Obamanation”, and a comment on a live speech might refer to the speaker as “Obamanating”. But the ultimate verbal tag for those whose tendencies are to BS their way through life at the expense of the gullible or less informed would be the label “Obamavore”.

So there you have it. All that has transpired in the process that has given us the worst qualified President, at the worst possible juncture in our nation’s history, along with the revelation of the shallowness of the thinking of he and his minions is very likely going to lead to the birth of a new verb in the American vocabulary, and the “Obama’s” of the world will no longer be able to hide behind their loud mouthed oratory as they attempt to pass off the excrement of their ideology on the unsuspecting masses. Yet in spite of all the damage that is being visited upon America and American’s in general by the lame brained policies of his administration, this President might, in a strange sort of way, be the best thing that could have happened at this time in our history. It Is very possible that this President is the catalyst that was needed to bring about a great awakening of patriotic Americans who are now becoming the early foot soldiers of a new American Revolution, one that will take us back to our roots and provide the strength of conviction, and commitment necessary to remake America into the strong, proud home, and defender of, personal freedom, that it once was, and can be again.

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